Roses N Butterscotch


Inclusive of all taxes

Living far away from your beloved is never easy but it can be especially heart-wrenching during special occasions like anniversaries, birthdays or v-day. Show love from far away with our classic combo of butterscotch cake coupled with the red love blooms.

Product Content
10 Red Roses in Normal Paper Pack
Weight : 1/2 Kg, Flavour : Butterscotch

Living far away from your beloved is never easy but it can be especially heart-wrenching during special occasions like anniversaries, birthdays or v-day. Show love from far away with our classic combo of butterscotch cake coupled with the red love blooms.

Product Content
10 Red Roses in Normal Paper Pack
Weight : 1/2 Kg, Flavour : Butterscotch

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Roses N Butterscotch

