Rose Day - 7th

  • Basket of pink roses

    Send this lovely arrangement of pink Rose full of fragrance in a basket with green fillers to your loved ones on any of the occasions and surprise him her through DP Saini Florist & Bakers.

    Product Details:
    1 basket
    20 Pink Rose

  • Box of Red Rose & Chocolates

    The best way to show love to your partners is to send them a box of flowers to make it more special and memorable. The bouquet consist of beautiful red roses & 2 chocolate sticks  beautifully designed and decorated in black box.

    Product details:
    16 red roses
    Black Box
    2 dairy milk crackle sticks

  • Bunch of mix Rose

    The bunch of mix roses  represent to you a simplest yet a passionate way of expressing your love to him or her. This rose bunch decorated with fillers & packed with double  packing paper and finished with a ribbon.

    Product details:
    21 mix  roses
    Ivory & pink packing & ribbon

  • Air Balloon with Rose (Anniversary Special)

    Beautiful handmade air balloon(anniversary special) Rose arrangement. Send this beautiful arrangement of red roses & 2 heart sticks, designed and decorated in with red ribbon, along with happy anniversary air balloon attached with red ribbon.Send this beautiful arrangement through DP Saini Florist & Bakers to your loved ones on this occasion.

    Product details:
    Air Balloon (Happy Anniversary)
    Red ribbon
    25 Red Roses
    2 heart shape sticks
    Red box

  • Mix Roses Bunch

    The bouquet of red & pink rose flowers represent to you a simplest yet a passionate way of expressing your love to him or her. This red roses bouquet decorated with fillers & packed in pink wrapping paper and finished with a ribbon.

    Product details:
    85 red & pink Roses
    Pink packing & red ribbon

  • 100 red Rose bunch

    The bouquet of 100 red rose flowers represent to you a simplest yet a passionate way of expressing your love to him or her. This red roses bouquet decorated with fillers & packed in ivory wrapping paper and finished with a ribbon.

    Product details:
    100 red Roses
    Ivory packing & red ribbon

  • Premium box of flower & chocolates

    Send this beautiful box of red Roses & lilies with lots of fillers beautifully decorated with chocolates. Send it to your loved ones and surprise them through this unique fresh flower & chocolate gift on any of the occasion through DP Saini Florist & Bakers.

    Product Details:
    Red Roses
    Pink lilies
    5 Dairy milk (23gm)
    4 Dairy milk fruit & nut
    2 silk Oreo
    1 big silk
    Black Box with red ribbon

  • Customised Photo Arrangement in Air Balloon

    Send this beautiful box of red Roses with lots of fillers beautifully designed with customised photos ( couples , family , etc) and decorated with air balloon. Send it to your loved ones and surprise them through this unique fresh flower gift on any of the occasion through DP Saini Florist & Bakers.

    Product Details:
    10 pictures
    Air Balloon ( customised names )
    16 red Roses
    Black Box with red ribbon

  • Bunch of red roses

    Send this beautiful bunch of red Roses with black packing and gold ribbon bow and lots of fillers beautifully designed and decorated in a bunch. Send it to your loved ones and surprise them through this unique fresh flower gift on any of the occasion through DP Saini Florist & Bakers.
    Product details:
    10 Red Roses
    Black packing & gold ribbon

  • Rose & Rocher Combo

    Beautify and sweeten your family & loved ones over this combo of red & white roses along with Ferrero rocher chocolates. So, bring a sweet smile on the choco-flower lovers with your gift through DP Saini Florist & Bakers.
    Product Details:
    16 pcs Ferrero rocher chocolates
    6 red rose
    6 white Rose

  • Bunch of Shaded Rose

    There is nothing more romantic than gifting someone a bunch of bloomed Roses. Surprise someone with this amazing bunch that has 16 Pink-shaded Roses, wrapped in red Paper and held together with a Pink Bow.

    Product details :

    16 Pink Shaded Rose

    Red Paper Packing with Ribbon

  • Chocolate & Flower Arrangement

    Send this beautiful bunch of pink roses & chocolates with lots of baby breath beautifully designed and decorated in pearl thread. Send the beautiful arrangement through DP Saini Florist & Bakers to your family & loved ones on any of the occasion.

    Product details:
    10 Cadbury dairy milk (24gm)
    12 pink rose’s


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